Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Spiritual Journey to Wholeness 30 Day Challenge Day 3

Twenty one people signed up for the 30 day challenge. I have been hearing from some of them by email, text, twitter, and facebook about their progress to date. I'm thrilled to hear that so many people want to gain control of their health by taking back what the enemy stole. As we move through this 30 days we must be mindful of our immediate goals and plans AND the future goals and plans that will sustain us for a life time. Can We Talk?!

When God directed me to start this ministry, I was concerned that people would think the ministry was about weight loss or vanity goals. I really wanted to convey the message that this ministry is about God and His great love for His people. God cares about the intimate details of our lives and if we are living healthy we can better partner with Him for Kingdom building. It's more than about how much we weigh or can we fit into our jeans from high school. I still can't by the way. It's about living a healthy life that honors God. God cares less about if you can wear that old wedding dress from 10-15 years ago and more about you prospering and being in good health, even as your soul prospers.

One of the community members who signed up for the 30 Day Challenge sent me her prayer request and she wanted someone to hold her accountable. This is her email to me and my response to her. I hope that you are encouraged, enlightened, and empowered by her plan, message, and commitment to God. I think she does a really good job of conveying the message I described above. Glory and honor is due Him. 

Dear Aqua

My challenge is spiritual & physical. My plan is to wake up 30 minutes earlier than I normally would & have a real intimate time with the Lord. I'm also challenging myself to start reading my bible plan everyday. I'm challenging myself to eat more fruits & veggies. No sweets, no added salt, no sodas, fast food, fried foods or STARBUCKS (YIKES). My exercise plan is the same but I will add arms & abs to my workout. I'm gonna fast on Wednesday's from 6-6. I will email you my stats nightly to make sure I'm on point.

I'm my mind right...Thanks for doing this... Not only will I come out of this physically healthier but my spirit is gonna be on FIRE 4HisTemple.

Dear J

Sis!! Oh my God! You get it! You get #4HisTemple. Can't wait to see what God is going to do to you and through you. You know I have to share this email in a blog post. I want the community to see it's more than weight loss. It's a spiritual journey. Will be lifting you up each day. The enemy is coming hard after you now that you have made the decision to change. But you know this already. Stand firm. If you get knocked down, miss a day morning worship, eat something off your plan. Repent and start over the next day. I look forward to your updates and helping you stay on target. What's time do you need to get up?

Asking the Lord to be near you, guide you, hold you, lift you, protect you, motivate you, and give you the strength to help others when it is all over. The next 30 days are a new beginning for anyone committed and taking this challenge seriously. Wow! I love you!

Stay on the path Templers! God has so much in store for you if you commit and endure this 30 days of sanctification.

Your body is the temple of the Living God! Live Well in His Name!

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