Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Holiday Eating Caution

Hello Conquerors!

Last week we celebrated the resurrection of our risen Savior! I pray that your Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday were all that you wanted and needed. We know as faithful believers that we could not have the power and glory of the Resurrection without the sorrow and pain of the Crucifixion. Jesus came to die. We thank God for this sacrifice and we are grateful that death was not the final answer. He got up with all power, might, dominion, and sovereignty in His hands. He holds the keys to hell, death, and the grave. He is alive and He lives in us! Glory to God!

As we continue on our journey to caring for our temples we must be mindful of the snares and pitfalls of holiday eating. For me staying on track with my diet becomes more difficult on holidays because food can be the center of many of our celebrations. Once I get off track after a day or two of partaking in the holiday fare, I find myself on a slippery slope of undisciplined and unplanned eating. Does this happen to you?

First we have to be aware of the issue. (OK, I just told you, were you listening?). Holiday eating can be a danger to staying on track with your new healthier lifestyle. The danger lies in the amount of food, sometimes the preparation of the food, and in the fact that we often choose to forgo exercise during the holiday.

Secondly, we have to come up with a plan to enjoy our favorite foods in moderation. Listen, I eat the foods that I like, I just don't eat as much and I try to prepare my favs in a healthier way. If I am not the chef I just keep the portions small. Try not to make a big deal out of what you can and cannot eat, being picky can take all the joy of sharing a meal together. Make the fellowship the most important part of your gathering, not food.

Thirdly, be prepared to start your healthy eating routine immediately after the holiday is over. Stock the fridge with the food you routinely eat. Prepare a healthy meal and have it ready. Skip the take home plates or as my family calls them "to go CARTS". What?! You need a cart to take the leftover food home? These yummy treats keep us off track well after the holiday is but a distant memory.

Lastly, enjoy yourself! Enjoy your time with friends and family as you celebrate, fully committing to enjoying the food you are eating without feelings of guilt, shame, or defeat. We are not defeated because we get off track. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves us. God wants us to live in health and abundance, not in guilt and shame.

I speak God's blessings over you, your family, your journey in Him to a healthier temple. Whatever you need, God will supply it according to His great love and abundant riches. 

Your body is the temple of the Living God! Live Well in His Name! 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

News You Can Use

I received a startling, but affirming tweet the other day about a report in Men's Health Magazine. Houston is the 9th fattest city in America and Texas has 5 cites on the list. You may have already heard about this and said...so what? I live in Pearland, LaMarque or League City, not Houston. Can We Talk?!   

What is happening in the world as a result of our uncontrolled appetites and flesh feeding frenzy should be a concern for everyone. It is a concern for this passion project because I know that many of you, your families, friends, and communities are affected by this epidemic. We are eating are ourselves to death! As a society, we are fatter than we have ever been in history. People are dying from weight related health issues, which touches us all and should concern us all.  

Certainly, we have to examine and determine the worthiness of the information before we go out and make changes in our lives based on that information. Examine how (criteria) the information was gathered for the report and determine the actions you need to take for you and your family.

WE already know that we need to live healthier lives. We really don't need the report to tell us that. God has already spoken and I pray that as you are reading this you thinking of new ways to improve on what you are already doing for your temple...to the delight of God, I might add!

I wanted to share this with you so that you know that we are on the track and to encourage you to press forward, incorporating more healthy lifestyle changes into your daily routines. Still drinking soda? Give it up! There is no nutritional value in soda. Check out the sugar content of your cola. Not to pick on the soda drinkers...Are you smoking, a fast food junky, or sedentary? Make some changes that can impact the rest of your life and bless generations to come. We will be blessed, our children will be blessed, and our children's children will be blessed if we follow God's leading, choosing Him. That is His promise!

If you haven't gotten started with your health and fitness lifestyle yet or you are having trouble with consistency email me. Remember to send your temple related questions and comments. Let's talk and pray about how to stay faithful to this journey through the power of God. I am passionate and committed to seeing you live your best and blessed life...a healthier life to the glory and honor of God.

Your body is the temple of the Living God! Live Well in His Name!   

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Your True Identity in Him!!

Hello Temple Lovers!

 One of my twitter friends posted this video this morning. StickyJesus.com (click to see) I have been so moved by it that I have viewed it several times and I wanted to make sure that you also see this. God loves you!

As we continue our journey to health and wellness through Christ Jesus and as we seek to care for these temples that He has given us, remember that you are beautiful and accepted TODAY. Let's not get so bogged down with where we want to be that we cannot celebrate our accomplishments and His love for us today!

Love the body that you are in NOW. Love the person created by Christ Jesus NOW. You are His child...loved, sealed, redeemed, chosen, healed, and anointed!! You are one with Him. Have a great day!

Your body is the temple of the Living God! Live Well in His Name!

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Return...With No Investment?

    God Day Seekers!
My prayer for you today is that you have everything that you NEED and most of what you WANT. God is our provider and He promises to supply all of our needs from His abundant riches! When we align our lives with His will there is nothing He won't do to bless and prosper us!

Speaking of wants and needs. Can We Talk?! How do you get the information that you want and need to help you stay on task in building and creating your new healthier lifestyle? Do you phone a faithful friend, read fitness magazines, search the web, read blogs like this, or
search the scriptures? All great ways to get the answers we seek, I might add!
If we are going to be successful on this journey we must look outside of ourselves for the answers. There is a wealth of information available to us, IF we just avail ourselves. Look...if we had all the answers you wouldn't be reading this AND let's face it, I might not be writing this.

Ever heard of a return with no investment? Like purchasing a house or a car with no money down. Usually that ends up being a really bad, I mean a really bad deal. The person driving off the lot with a brand new car with no money down is usually "upside down" in that car for years to come. Upside down = you owe more on the car than the car is worth. Really?! (Did I mention that was a bad deal?) Can we apply this to our new healthy lifestyles? We have to invest in our new lifestyles if we want to realize a return, if we are not going to feel like we are upside down. It is not magic and it is NOT going to just happen TO US. It is going to happen BECAUSE OF US and our faith in God's ability to direct and sustain us.

Here are some great tips from one of our community members! She subscribes to JM Health Kicks. I recently started reading
Prevention. What books, websites, magazines, applications (there is an app for that, you know) do use to give you ideas, tips, and strategies to help you stay inspired, motivated, and on target in your new lifestyle of healthier living? Share them with us here in the comments section or our email address and we will compile a list for the community.

Dear Aqua
I subscribed to JM health kicks...I'd like to share:  Here are a few techniques you can use to keep your portions under control — whether you are eating in or at a restaurant.

1) If you're at home, use smaller plates. This creates the illusion of eating a bigger serving.

2) If you're at a restaurant and you know the portions are going to be huge, ask the server to put half your meal in a doggie bag before it even hits the table. This saves you money as well as unnecessary calorie overload.
3) Share an entrée with your dining partner.

4) Make a new rule for yourself: Always leave something on your plate. This reminds you that you are in control of the food, not the other way around.

A little bit of empowerment can go a long way!

Dear Operation

Thank you! These are great tips. I have tried all of them EXCEPT sharing the entree. In most cases the doggie bag is better than the original meal. Haha! But I promise to try this!

If you are like me #4, leaving something on your plate was probably one of the hardest battles to overcome. Especially, if you grew up hearing "clean your plate...people are starving in Africa". There are ways to help the starving people in Africa and other developing countries besides cleaning your plate. Those last 2-3 bites of food left on your plate are NOT going to help the people in Africa, but they will contribute to your waistline. You NEVER have to EAT IT ALL. There...I said it!

Have a great week everyone! Remember...our rewards equal and sometimes out perform our investments. Basically, we are going to get out of this new lifestyle as much (or as little) as we are willing to put into it!

Your body is the temple of the Living God! Live Well in His Name!